Hermeneutics and Theology

About the Class

First, I’m pleased that you are interested in advancing your knowledge of the Scriptures.  Our intention is to equip you with the knowledge of the Bible that is necessary for your success, in your walk with God, and in persuading others to walk in the way.


Here are some things you should know about this class.  Click on the items of interest.

This class will be team taught. [more]

How is the class structured? [more]

Some of you may not be able to attend the class, but, . . .[more]

Drinking from a firehose, [more]

Don’t be intimidated by the title “Hermeneutics”. [more]

How “deep” will the class go? [more]

Whose theology will be taught? [more]

Will I need a personal computer? [more]

Will I be expected to use e-Sword Bible software? [more]

Getting a head start!  VERY IMPORTANT  [more]